Sunday, March 27, 2011


Learning Journey To Bukit Chan Du

This is a picture of how farmers used to work in the olden times, the time when they used oxen to plow the soil. The picture on the right is what farmers use to plow the soil today in the 21st century. I think the tractor that is used today is easier to use as farmers do not have to walk around. These days, farms can be very wide and if the farmers walked, they would take a very long time to plow the soil or even days! And if they take too long, they cannot sell their crops and they cannot earn money for a living.

The next picture we have here is a picture of an old sniper rifle. The picture we have below there is a modern day sniper rifle.I think the modern day sniper has more firepower and can reload even faster than the older ones. The olden snipers may be a bit louder than the modern ones as over the years people try to improve the guns as there are many wars in the world these days.

I have finished my reflection and I hope you like it!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Presley toh's SA2


I feel very happy at my results, as I got my 2nd band 2 for it. I knew if I study hard ,I would get good grades ,I think I can do better still maybe if I work harder.


I feel happy as I scored a band 2 these year, I studied very very hard and I got it but I can get better as I scored a band 1 last year ,when I was primary 2

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Cyber Addition

My favourite game is adventure quest,it is very fun as you can buy things,fight,do missions and you can wear items.I spend 2hour30min-2hour59mins on the computer.It has not affected me yet as i have to finish my work before i can play computer.i can play ontside instead.i will tell him/her to do their work before you play n should strike a balence too.

Thursday, February 19, 2009




A flute for one has more keys that make higher notes and pitches. Whereas a recorder doesnt have any keys and has a limited amount of notes

Monday, February 16, 2009


A spcial person

My best friend is Zhicong .He is very spcial to me.He is very tall,fast in his work and loves to play computer and soccer.

He has long legs and runs very fast .He always keeps me compony. He has short hair and pays attention in class.I do not always play with him as he plays with the computer during recess.I will go and play computer with him at 17766 cafe when possible.

I will help him when he is in trouble and needs help.

Monday, February 9, 2009


house hold items

This oven is the item that i use frequently.

This house hold item is a oven.

I use it for heating up food.

I on it and start heating up things.

Without it i can not eat warm food.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Total Defence Blogging Competition

I would defend the Singapore Flag.
I think we should defend it because it is very important.
I would join the Army.

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